
10 Reasons Why They Aren’t Buying Your Digital Product & How to Fix it

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You’ve probably heard how much having a digital product can shake things up for your business these days, right? 

It’s no secret that increasing your digital footprint can greatly benefit your business. 

It opens up doors that were previously closed.  You can reach a global audience and generate passive income. 

And you know lots of entrepreneurs who have made millions selling online.

But despite your best efforts, you still find yourself puzzling over why your things aren’t selling.

It’s a frustrating and discouraging experience that many digital marketers face.

Everything is going to change now…

Because today, you are here to uncover the reasons why your digital product isn’t selling.

While you’re sitting there reading this, you’re going to discover how to fix it.

Shortly, you are going to learn 10 common mistakes that digital product creators make and learn tips and strategies to help you overcome them.

So let’s get started, if you’re ready to advance your digital product and start bringing in the cash!


Digital products withstand market trends far better than physical products and scale easily without overwhelming fees.

You are wondering:

  • How to sell digital products?
  • What do I do if my product is not sold?
  • What is the best strategy to sell digital?
  • Where to sell digital products
  • Are you wondering why
  • Your digital products aren’t selling as well as you’d like?
  • Is it hard to sell digital products?
  • Is it worth selling digital products?
  • Why do digital products fail?
  • Can you make a living selling digital products?
  • Is it better to sell physical or digital products?

You’re tired of pouring your heart and soul into your digital products, only to see it fail to attract buyers.

I know, your head is spinning.

You’re tired of pouring your heart and soul into your digital products, only to see it fail to attract buyers.

Trust me, you’re not alone. I get these questions very often.

I know you struggle too.

But up until now…

Shortly you are going to learn

10 common mistakes that digital product creators make

So, you can learn from them and don’t get into the same trap.

On top of this,

While you’re sitting there reading this, you’re going to discover how to fix it.

Therefore, let’s get started if you’re ready to advance your digital product and start generating sales.

Read this…


The e-learning industry has grown by over 900% since 2000(Skill Scouter).

The E-Learning Market is worth over 315 billion in 2023.


The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the growth of digital info product sales, as more people have been working, learning, and socializing online.


The increasing availability of high-speed internet, smartphones, and other digital devices has made it easier for consumers to access and purchase digital info products.


The rise of subscriptions and recurring revenue models has also contributed to the growth of digital product sales, as customers are more willing to pay for ongoing access to digital content and services.


Have you noticed how digital items like e-books, online courses, and software are gaining momentum in the market? 

The popularity of digital goods and services has been steadily increasing over the past few years, and analysts predict that this trend will continue in the years to come. 

As customers increasingly rely on digital products to meet their needs, entrepreneurs and businesses who offer these items have a chance to capture a wider audience and grow their sales.

It is believed that e-learning will steadily grow over 20% to 2028.


That’s mind-blowing, right?


Some clever ass people making millions…

Want to be one of them?

Want a piece of the huge e-learning pie?

Buckle up and get ready to turn your digital products into a profitable success.

Read this article entirely,


by the end of this article, you feel excited and empowered.



What if you never had to chase for the next sale…

What if you had a ready pool of buyers coming after you…

After you read this article, you know the 10 most common reasons they aren’t buying your info products.

When you know the reasons, it puts you in a higher gear.

You’ll discover

how to sell your digital products.

Imagine yourself in a peaceful place. You’re surrounded by a feeling of clarity and peace as you begin to open your mind to understanding why digital products sometimes don’t sell.


You’ll learn the steps you can take to make sure that your digital offers are successful.


Feel the power of lasting success now as you begin to explore what solutions are right for you.

Are you ready to step into the realm of online sales? Breathe in and get ready for an exciting adventure! 

Embracing digital sales can be a game-changer for your business, introducing you to new and expansive markets you may not have thought possible.

Yes, it may seem challenging at first, but listen!

When you have the right tools, guidance, and mindset, you’ll be able to navigate this terrain with ease and experience a whole new level of success.

So go ahead, take that leap of faith and explore the limitless possibilities that await you in the realm of digital sales.

10 Reasons

Why They Aren’t Buying Your Digital Products & How to Fix it

Why They Aren’t Buying Your Digital Product

Reason #1 They Don’t Know about it


The first and probably the most important reason why people aren’t buying your digital products is that they don’t know about them. I know, your products are great!

I know you put a lot of effort and resources into creating your offers, but you have to let other people know about them too.

“Build it, and they will come,” don’t work today…

So, if you think you build it and they come, well…think again

Yes, it does happen, but chances re very slim.

How to fix it:

  • Identify your target audience and do research to understand what are the best methods best reach them.
  • First things first, check your website analytics (Google or what you use) and see how much traffic do you get.

Analyse where people are coming from, where are they leaving. What are your most visited pages? 

You can add links on them directing them to another educational blog post that is directly associated with your digital product.

Place a link to a sales page at the end of the article.

  • If it’s a high-price product, invite them to a webinar

Or a FREE Strategy session

  • Create new content related to the product and link it to a sales page. You can check out Buzzsumo.com for trending Topics in your niche to get informed and inspired
  • Craft a new Lead Magnet and put a link to your sales page
  • Milk Medium and LinkedIn for traffic

These two platforms are high authority websites, therefore by creating content on these platforms it increases your chances to appear high on Google

  • One of the best and fastest way to get the word out is to use advertising platforms such as Google Ads and Facebook Ads. You don’t need to spend big budgets on advertising, but you should make sure the right people know about your product.
  • Partnerships

Find businesses who sell similar products and cooperate. You can host a webinar and reach the biggest audience, you can swap your lead magnets and email to your list, social media promotion

  • Webinar-is another very efficient way to promote your digital products. Hook them, keep interest by the end (you can offer a freebie to those who stay to the end) WOW attended with information and introduce your product as a solution to their problem.
  • Design a referral system

Offer insensitive to anyone who refers a new customer

Why They Aren’t Buying Your Digital Product

Reason #2 Your Audience Doesn’t See the Value in Your Product


You invested time and money creating a digital product, but customers still aren’t buying…the problem could be that they don’t see the value.

How to fix it:

  • Create content that outlines the benefits of your product and make sure customers know exactly what they will get. Showcase any success stories and include videos and tutorials that highlight the features of your product. You should also consider offering a money-back guarantee to ensure customers know they can expect a satisfactory product.
  • Fixing it entails properly tailoring your offerings to your target market. Do some user research to find out what matters to them most and the kinds of services and products they are most likely to use.
  • Identify a unique value that your digital offers provide and make sure to communicate that value to your audience.
  • Ensure that your message clearly communicates how your product or service can help your audience solve their problems and make their lives easier and happier.
  • Focus on providing customer service that creates an engaging and positive customer experience. This will create an ongoing loyalty and appreciation for your digital offers.

Why They Aren’t Buying Your Digital Product

Reason #3 Lack of Trust Between You and Your Ideal Customer


Another issue selling digital products is that customers may not trust you. It’s important to build trust with your audience before they make a purchase.

How to fix it:

  • Showing customers how you’ve helped other people. Share Testimonials

Set up a system that allows customers to review your products or services.

  • Foster relationships with customers by promptly addressing their inquiries and problems.
  • Take customers feedback on board and develop new products and services.
  • Highlight success stories that demonstrate the value of your product or service and establish credibility.
  • Utilize customer service as a competitive advantage, and even consider offering loyalty rewards or discounts to loyal customers.
  • Make an investment in producing top-notch goods and services that meet client needs and foster enduring relationships.
  • Share your expertise on TV, Radio, Newspapers, Magazines, Blogs


Why They Aren’t Buying Your Digital Product


Reason #4 They Don’t Trust that it Will Work for Them


 If you have jumped into the digital products market and have not taken the time to provide customers with the proof that your product does what it claims, then it is no wonder customers are not buying!

People will only invest in a product that can guarantee tangible results.

To fix this problem, make sure you have customer success stories, video tutorials, case studies and other testimonies, as well as a money-back guarantee.

How to fix it:

Collect and share social proof from your customers. Demonstrate where they were before they bought your info product and where they are now.

You will sell like crazy if you will make them imagine how happy they are after they buy

Also, on sales page you can show the cost if they don’t buy your solution

Show the results that customers can expect when using your product and demonstrate how it will work for them.

Also, on sales page you can show the cost if they don’t buy your solution

  • Put customer feedback and testimonials at the forefront of your marketing.
  • Develop a clear and concise value proposition that communicates the benefits of using your product or service.
  • Offer free trials and demos to allow people to try the product before investing in it.
  • Invest in creating high-quality products and services that give big life transformations (finding love, saving marriage etc)

Why They Aren’t Buying Your Digital Product

Reason #5 Your Spotlight is On the Product, not Your Customer


Selling, when done right, is a win-win.


If you keep talking about what your product is all about…. Customers don’t see how this can help them.


Talk about what your products can do for them.

In other words, turn features into benefits.

People buy solutions to their problems or products that add pleasure into their lives.

How to fix it:

Identify your customer needs, wants, dreams, fantasies and problems

Talk about all the benefits when selling.


Why They Aren’t Buying Your Digital Product

Reason #6 It’s not the Right Offer for Your Audience


Sales cannot be assured by having a fantastic product alone.

You need to understand your targeted audience and provide the solutions they need -that’s the key to success.

Despite the temptation to concentrate just on promoting your product- it won’t work. 

Take on board all demands and requirements of your customers while designing your offer, whether you’re selling a physical or digital product.

How to fix it:

  • Determine your target market and what goods and services they value.
  • Examine your customers’ preferences and needs to identify the main variances from your current offerings.
  • Make necessary changes to your current offer to make it more suited to the demands of your target market and to maintain its value.
  • Monitor customer feedback and adjust your offer accordingly, if needed.
  • Promote your offer to reach your target audience. Use email, social media and other channels.

Why They Aren’t Buying Your Digital Product

Reason #7 There’s no Reason Why they Should Buy Now

Another mistake businesses make-they don’t give a reason to buy their product right now.

To fix this, create urgency by offering limited time offers and discounts. You can also send out emails to remind customers about the product and create content that explains why it’s worth investing now.

How to fix it:

  • Identify the customer’s needs and anticipate their questions or objections.
  • Provide customers with incentives to buy or use your product or service, such as discounts, or loyalty rewards, etc.
  • Demonstrate the value that customers gain with your service, and make them aware of potential long-term savings or benefits.
  • Make time-sensitive offers that expire soon, emphasizing the limited nature of the offer.
  • Focus on urgency by communicating why a customer should buy now instead of waiting.
  • Highlight any limit of supply of your product or service.

Why They Aren’t Buying Your Digital Product

Reason #8 You Don’t have an Efficient Sales Funnel

A sales funnel is like a guided path that a potential customer goes through, starting from when they first hear about your product or service, all the way to when they make a purchase.

It’s called a “funnel” because, just like a real funnel, lots of people start at the top but only a few come out the bottom.

Along the way, businesses use different techniques and strategies to educate and convince customers to buy their product or service.

The funnel is broken down into different stages, each designed to move the customer closer to making a purchase.

 Just like how a funnel narrows as you pour liquid through it, the number of potential customers narrows as they move through the different stages of the funnel.

So, in simpler words, a sales funnel is a pathway that helps people go from just hearing about your product to actually buying it, through a step-by-step process.

How to fix it:

  • Set up your Sales Funnel
  • Lead Your Audience by hand to the till.

How? I knew you would ask.

  • Show your expertise, share valuable information, prove you know your stuff. If they get a little win from you and your info, guess where are they going to buy?

You right! Yes, it’s you!

Because they associate that win with you


They are going to want more…

If you set up your sales funnel the right way, it will run on autopilot. Hello, passive income!

Why They Aren’t Buying Your Digital Product

Reason #9 Your Sales Page Doesn’t Sell

You need an effective sales page. A sales page is a website page that has been designed to convince potential customers to purchase a good, use a service, or carry out a specified action.

Sales pages are a crucial component of a digital marketer’s arsenal since they can be utilised to enhance conversions and attract targeted visitors.

It’s a specific kind of landing page designed to increase sales.

A good sales page has:

  • a clear, eye-catching headline and subhead line
  • a description of the product or service being sold
  • a list of the benefits and features of the product,
  • include customer testimonials or reviews
  • pricing information and special offers
  • a call-to-action that makes the user to take action.

Your Sales page goal is to prove to the user that the product or service can help solve their problem.

Your sales page has to demonstrate the value and benefits of what’s being sold, and making it clear why it’s worth investing in.

Ideally, the user has to see that this product or service is exactly what they need to improve their life in some way.

Think about a sales page as a virtual “salesperson” for your product or service.

Your sales page must work hard, just like a real-world salesperson, to convince potential consumers to make a purchase.

How to fix it:

Build a sales page that converts:

  • A sales page should act as a magnet, drawing in visitors and keeping them interested. Your sales page needs to draw their attention and hold it, much like a magnet.
  • Like a road sign that directs drivers in the right direction, your sales page must be concise and easy to understand.
  • It has to be clear who you are, what you do, and how you can help them.
  • Your sales page’s design is crucial as well. It ought to be visually beautiful, simple to read, and give the best possible impression of your good or service.
  • Like a successful salesperson, your sales page must explain potential customers how your product or service may alleviate their problems. A sales page needs to be like a magnetic force, pulling in potential customers and keeping them engaged. Just like a magnet, your sales page needs to grab their attention and keep it.
  • A good sales page will also use social proof, like positive reviews or testimonials, to build trust with your potential customers. If customers perceive that other customers have had good experiences with your goods, they are more likely to purchase.
  • Include an F.A.Q section (frequently asked questions) can and remove sales objections
  • Be clear if you have a refund policy or not.
  • Your sales page should have a call-to-action that tells people what to do next. Sign up for a free trial, book a consultation, or purchase the product directly.

Ultimately, designing a sales page that converts involves treating it like a virtual salesperson and ensuring that it is as convincing, clear, and engaging as a professional salesperson would be.

Why They Aren’t Buying Your Digital Product

Reason #10 The Price Tag

Your price may bring you clients, or it may keep them away.

It’s critical to realise that pricing has a significant impact on whether potential clients decide to work with you.

Here’s why:

– If your product or service is overly expensive, you risk turning away potential clients who are searching for more reasonable alternatives. 

People might turn elsewhere if they see your price tag and assume right away that your product is too expensive for them.

P.S (if you’re selling high price offers, and solve big problems that lead= to life transformation, but they don’t buy-it could be your messaging doesn’t communicate well.

 Make sure you clearly demonstrate the results/transformation you offer)

If your price is too low, potential customers could doubt the worth or quality of what you have to offer. 

They could wonder why it is so inexpensive and believe it’s not as good as other products in the market.

On the other hand, overpricing could drive customers away.

Offering a reasonable price that reflects the value of what you’re delivering while remaining competitive in the market is crucial to finding the sweet spot. 

Changing your price approach can occasionally be a very effective way to draw in more clients and boost revenue. 

Ultimately, finding the optimal pricing balance requires research, analysis, and a willingness to adapt to customer feedback.

For example, offering by increasing your prices you may increase the perceived value, therefore…your sales may skyrocket.

How to fix it:

Review your pricing. Pay close attention and make sure your price plan is in line with your overall marketing objectives.

The right price tag can help you attract new customers and increase sales, while a poorly chosen price can turn potential customers away.



It can be a challenge to sell digital products. But now, that you know all the main reasons why they aren’t buying is a game changer.

By addressing 10 common reasons outlined above, you can dramatically increase your chances of success.

At the end of the day,

You want people to know about your offers. Inform who it’s for, why they need it, why it’s for them, and how it’s going to add value to their lives.

BOOM. Can you hear the success bells ringing to you?

Now, that you know the reasons they don’t buy and how to fix it, you can successfully sell your digital products.

Take one step at a time.


It’s better done than perfect!



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